‘Eshqat del o jaanam raa taa kard jodaa az man
Jaan o del-e-man digar na-shenaakht toraa az man
Your love has separated my heart and soul from myself.
My heart and soul cannot see the difference between You and myself.
Bar sham’e-jamaal-e-to parwaana sefat gashtam
Yak sho’la padid aamad be-setaand maraa az man
I have become like a butterfly because of the candle of Your beauty.
One clear ray of light separated me from myself.
Shab taa be-sahar hastam andar hormat-e-mahram
Chun ruz shawad poshi rokhsaar cheraa az man
From nightfall till morning I have been Your intimate companion,
But now that the day has dawned, why is Your face hidden from myself?
Har chand ke waa gashtam u dar pay-e-man aamad
U kard wafaa afzun chun did jafaa az man
However much I move away from Him, He keeps on coming towards me:
He increases His loyalty when He notices that I am inconstant myself.
Taa az kaf-e-aan saaqi yak jaam-e-baqaa’ khurdam
Be-zeduda may-e-wahdat zangaar-e-fanaa’ az man
I’ve been drinking one glass of the wine of everlasting life from the hand of that Cupbearer,
And this wine of union then took away the stain of mortality from myself.
Mansur sefat gar che zin dair-e-fanaa’ raftam
Sad nur hami girad aan daar-e-baqaa’ az man
If those who are like Mansur leave this world of mortality,
They may receive many a light in the everlasting world from myself.
Khaahi ke rokhash bini dar chehra-e-man be-negar
Man aayena-e-u-yam u nist jodaa az man
If you wish to have a look at His face, then look at my face:
I am His mirror and He is not separate from myself.
Del wais-e-qaran aamad andar yaman-e-qaalab
Beshenaw ze mashaam-e-jaan aan bu-i-khodaa az man
Model your heart like the one of Owais Qarani from Yemen,
And your soul can perceive the fragrance of God coming from myself.
Goftaa ke chu bargiram borqa’ ze jamaal-e-khud
Daani ke ze mai baashad masti to yaa az man
He said: ‘When I lift up My veil and reveal My beauty,
You’ll know whether you are intoxicated because of the wine of yourself or Myself’.
Goftam chu mo’in zin mai sad jaam agar nawsham
Dam dar kasham o naayad chun kuh sadaa az man
I replied: ‘Because someone like Mo’in has also drunk a hundred cups of this wine,
I’ll suspend my breath and thus from the mountain no echo will come from myself’.