Toraa mikhaaham ay delbar ke binam
To’i maqsud-e-man dar har ke binam
O Beloved! It is You I wish to see.
I desire only You in all that I see.
Maraa chasm az baraaye didan-e-tost
To rokh na-nomaayaim pas-e-dar ke binam
My eyes are only there in order to see You.
If You don’t show Your face to me, what else can I see?
Jamaal-e-saaqi-ye-man minomaayad
Be-meraat-e-mai o saaghar ke binam
The beauty of my cupbearer appears everywhere:
In the mirror of the wine, in the goblet and in all that I see.
Chonaanat dida am az dida-ye-del
Ke na-shenaasam be-chasm-e-sar ke binam
That manifestation of You which I’ve seen with the eyes of my heart,
Cannot be understood by the eyes of my head, with which I also see.
Hazaaraan dar ze del suyat koshaad-ast
Toraa mibinam az har dar ke binam
There are thousands of doors in my heart, which open towards You,
But from whichever door I look, it is only You Whom I see.
Rokhat gar binim warna bemiram
Chu khaaham mordaan aan behtar ke binam
I either have to see Your face or else I should die,
It is however better to die, than it is to see.
Mo’in emruz mikhaahad wesaalash
Nadaarad sabr taa mahshar ke binam
Mo’in impatiently longs to be united with you today.
He doesn’t want to wait till the Day of Judgment in order to see.